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About us

At Christian Assembly you will find a church where there is no dress code, where it's OK to laugh, where questions are encouraged. We're a church that speaks in everyday language, where you're accepted even if you're not sure where you stand spiritually. We don't claim to know it all and we certainly aren't perfect.


Other things you can expect:                                                                                              

 be warmly greeted when you arrive.

 enter a church that is more about relationships than the building.

 see people dressed casually and comfortably.

 hear teachings from the Bible spoken in everyday language.

 hear lively and relevant worship music.




We are REAL:   It's safe to be who you are at Christian Assembly without fear of judgment or condemnation.


We are RELATIONAL: Relationship with God and others changes lives, not empty religious rules and rituals.


We are RELEVANT: Our faith is not just for Sunday; it makes sense in our Monday - Saturday lives too.


We are REACHING: Our love should be shared outside our church walls, with the communities around us.




We believe that God transforms lives through relationships. That's why getting connected with other people is so important. Sunday worship gatherings are cool, but in the long run, they won't be enough to sustain a vibrant faith walk. Our love should be shared outside our church walls, with the communities around us.




If you're still "kicking the tires" at Christian Assembly, that's great! If you just want to find out more about our church we would like to have the opportunity to sit down with you over a coke or a cup of coffee and get to know you and allow you to get to know us. You can also learn about different ways to connect with others, whether in one of our fellowship groups, or through serving.


Click on the "Let's get together soon" link below, fill in your contact information, and type in the "message" box, "I would like to get together some time soon" and someone from our ministry staff will be in touch with you!


Or, call us directly at the phone number listed on the Contact Us page.

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