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Sunday School

we believe in sunday school

Adult class

In jesus day, a disciple was someone who learned and followed a teacher, or "rabbi". The gospels share how jesus showed and taught the way to live, yet so much more. he showed us and set the example of discipleship and how important it is in the church.


Discipleship is important because we want people to become fully committed followers of christ. Discipleship guilds believers to grow in their faith and become more like jesus every day. it builds a firm foundation in the lives that we share with others, thus we can easily lead others to christ.


We are in the process in our adult class of teaching very basic principles and how to apply them in our lives. timothy was encouraged by paul to "remind" his church of the basics of a christian life. then from there, how to grow in a closer relationship with Christ.


We invite you to join us each sunday at 9:30am.


Teen class

Acts is not a complete record of everything that happened in the Church after the Savior’s Ascension. Luke wrote mainly about the ministry of the Apostle Paul and included a few records about Peter and the other Apostles. Acts is the last book in the New Testament that tells a story; the rest of the books are letters and visions from that time.  Join us for this exciting adventure in the Book of Acts

Pre-Teen Class

Elementary Class


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